

Touax Newsletter: InfoTOUAX #5

Indian Railways in collaboration with the industry announces new wagons

BTFC new wagon for fly ash. Capacity increase more than 7 %. Addresses the volume constraint of fly ash users. In addition this wagon can also carry Alumina and Cement.

FLY ASH trials very successful!

The trials organized by TTRL in collaboration with the NTPC and Prism Cements to load fly ash in BTAP wagons went without a hitch.


Leading AFTO APL Vascor has signed on lease 2 BCACBM rakes from TTRL.

TTRL obtains RDSO authorization to market the BFNS M

Beginning of 2017, TTRL brings to the market the BFNS M, a new wagon design dedicated to the transport of steel coils.